Social Food Collective

In this section, we will share with you our learnings and their application, as it relates to various dimensions of social engagement and different social food experiences.



Social engagement within a community has multiple levels. These include:

Social Engagement


This section will discuss the above social engagement concepts.


Social Engagement in Food Halls

We have used various food halls as examples, to show how these various social engagement levels can be achieved in a food hall environment. We have chosen particular food halls as examples because we have visited and experienced them. Because of this, we hope to add a personal dimension to the discussion.

To find the various articles which discuss these food halls, click on the links provided below:

Social engagement: Familiarity


In most places where there is large amount of diversity, introducing familiarity among the residents is a first step towards social engagement. Because food brings people together, places where food is available in different varieties is usually a gathering space where people become familiar with one another, where they are able to “people-watch” or observe passers-by, maybe even get to observe them as they choose and partake of their preferred food.

Read more articles about the social concept of “Familiarity” →


Social Engagement: Interaction


There are varieties of interaction that happen in settings that provide food experience. There is the smile or greeting that is exchanged among the shoppers or customers. There is interaction that frequently occurs between the vendors and the shoppers, as they start discussing their wares and their choices. In the background, there is the interaction that happens among the vendors and workers, usually during lull moments or when they go for their own meal breaks. There is also a more formal interaction which happens between the vendors and the management and/or association which handles the over-all operations or staging of the food experience.

Read more articles about the social concept of “Interaction”


Social Engagement: Integration


In places where there is increased diversity, community goals will include the integration of minorities, lower-income residents, women & children, local source providers, and other sectors who are typically marginalized. A lot of the community food experience which we will share here will allow for and encourage the participation of these sectors, by advocating food experience that will need less capital for vendors to participate in, special projects and events which will promote education, and encouragement of what the Project for Public Spaces calls “light, quick, and cheap” projects.

Read more articles about the social concept of “Integration”

Social Engagement: Culture

Shared Culture

Culture is a way of life. It involves shared traditions and practices which help define a place, a community. Shared culture is evident in the old food halls and public markets which have been saved from demolition by an active citizenry. It can be generated by a regular food festival celebrating a particular cuisine, several food stalls by traditional Amish families, or by street food where everyone gathers for the day’s lunch.

Read more articles about the social concept of “Culture”


Social Engagement: Social Capital

Social Capital

As all these different types of social engagements flourish, an expansive network of relationships is established in the community. People start interacting with one another to achieve common goals and to work for wider community objectives. In the past, a lot of the food halls and public markets which survived local government modernization plans were able to do so because the vendors and the residents worked together to petition that they be kept. Today, some events like social meals are planned quickly and with minimum resources, to get people to talk about social issues and to plan projects to help address them.

Read more articles about the concept of “Social Capital”



Here, we will share with you the variety of food experience which can bring people together, and hopefully help build your community in the process. The list of food experience is endless, but we will focus on some which we feel you, as community organizers and planners, can help engage the community with.

Social Food Experience

Read more about:

Social Engagement

Social Food Experience in Food Halls

Food Experience: Food Halls

Food Halls

Food halls are covered structures where a variety of prepared food, artisan food to either eat in or bring home, fresh produce, and other food-related products like recipe books and cooking utensils, are offered by vendors, in relatively small stalls. Common dining areas are provided in these food halls, to enable the shoppers to partake of their meals. In some of the bigger food halls, there is a sprinkling of family owned diners or small restaurants, which provide both meals and seating spaces around their stalls. Food halls, as opposed to food courts, offer specialty cuisine, representing traditional recipes of the area (e.g. Cajun, Southern, regional Thai, ethnic Singaporean, etc.), different ethnicities (Vietnamese, Thai, Ethiopian), and modern fusion (e.g. young chefs who combine cuisines (e.g. Cajun-Vietnamese, etc.). In most food halls, there is also a strong presence of butchers and charcuterie stalls, a variety of fresh and frozen seafood, specialty cheese & oil vendors, and wine and craft beer providers. Larger food halls have fresh produce stalls either within the covered areas or in outdoor shed extension areas. Larger and older public markets usually have both food halls and farmers market as important components.

Food Experience: Farmers Market

Farmers Market

Farmers markets center around providing a space where fresh produce and locally produced arts and crafts are offered for the community. In keeping with the goals of fresh and local, there is usually a limited geographical area identified for sourcing of the produce and the selection of the vendors. Most farmers markets are not open year-round. Rather, their operations revolve around seasonal availability of produce and also the ability of the farmers and local entrepreneurs to personally man their booths, which usually mean once or twice a week as opposed to the 7 days a week operation of a food hall. Larger and older public markets usually have both food halls and farmers market as important components.


Food Experience: Street Food

Street Food

There are a variety of ways by which street food is experienced in a community. In most non-Western countries, street food is provided by itinerant vendors, who station themselves in high pedestrian traffic areas only during certain times of the day. There is usually little or no government licensing for these vendors. In the U.S., most street food are provided by food carts (hotdog, etc.) and recently specialty food trucks, which are licensed and regulated by the local government. There are also certain areas where street food can be enjoyed, from stalls located in front of and connected with regular restaurants and food outlets. Generally, the idea behind “street food” is that it can be eaten while walking down the street and without the traditional need for dining tables. Larger public markets may have street food available in the fringes of the covered market structure.

Food Experience: Festivals

Food Festivals

Food festivals are usually held, in connection with celebration of certain events, culture, and tradition of a particular place and/or as a fund-raising event. Examples of these include the Charleston Food + Wine Festival, The Boston Seafood Festival, the Kentucky Bourbon Festival, the Maine Lobster Festival, the Georgia Peach Festival, and the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California. In a local community, ethnic minorities usually host a food festival to celebrate their cuisine and traditions. These events include other activities such as dance, music, and crafts fair. Food festivals can also include multiple cuisines, celebrating the variety of ethnicity, food, and tradition in a particular community.


Food Experience: Social Meals

Social Meals

Social meals are a relatively new configuration of the food experience. Some of the social entrepreneurs who have introduced social meals have a simpler goal of just getting people to come together for meals, to have conversations, and to get to know each other. This is especially applicable in larger cities where there is larger amount of diversity. Some other social entrepreneurs have used social meals to further different causes. For some, it is to celebrate and save traditional recipes, ways of cooking and sourcing food locally. For others, it is to get people together over meals, to talk about ways by which they can address other social issues. Larger social meal events have been produced, in coordination with other creative placemaking efforts such as art, music, and performance events.



Social Food Experience in Food Halls

Read more about: Social EngagementSocial Food Experience


Food Halls, Definition

Food halls are covered structures where a variety of prepared food, artisan food (to either eat in or bring home), fresh produce, and other food-related products like recipe books and cooking utensils, are offered by vendors, in relatively small stalls.

To learn more background information, click on the links provided Here:

Definitions & DifferencesWhy Are We Losing Our Public Markets?Why Focus on Food Halls?

Common dining areas are provided in these food halls, to enable the shoppers to partake of their meals.

In some of the bigger food halls, there is a sprinkling of family owned diners or small restaurants, which provide both meals and seating spaces around their stalls.

Food halls, as opposed to food courts, offer specialty cuisine, representing traditional recipes of the area (e.g. Cajun, Southern, regional Thai, ethnic Singaporean, etc.), different ethnicities (Vietnamese, Thai, Ethiopian), and modern fusion (e.g. young chefs who combine cuisines (e.g. Cajun-Vietnamese, etc.).

In most food halls, there is also a strong presence of butchers and charcuterie stalls, a variety of fresh and frozen seafood, specialty cheese & oil vendors, and wine and craft beer providers. Larger food halls have fresh produce stalls either within the covered areas or in outdoor shed extension areas. Larger and older public markets usually have both food halls and farmers market as important components.

This section will focus on how food halls can encourage social engagement in a community, using the Framework for Designing a Social Food Experience.


Food Hall Examples

We are using food halls which we have personally visited and experienced as examples. We thus hope to add a personal dimension to the discussion. To find articles which discuss these food halls, click on the links provided below:




Definitions & DifferencesWhy Are We Losing Our Public Markets?Why Focus on Food Halls?



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